Tonne Software

An uncommon catalog of original and useful
electrical-engineering programs

These programs have been designed to work on Windows® operating systems from Win XP up to and including Win 11. If you find any routines or subroutines that do not operate properly please report that to Tonne Software.


the Windows® electrical filter design and analysis program handling all of the usual options (family, topology, bandwidth, etc.). It has a very nice toolbox including real-time tuning modes, Monte Carlo, optimization and much more! Printed outputs are presentation quality.

Go to the filter design program


the Windows® meterscale drawing program to allow you to design and print professional-quality meter scales on your printer. Nice options include the ability to import a graphic (and resize and place it where you want), make a modern-looking "flattened" scale, use seriff or sans-serif fonts of any size and specify the scale colors. And lots more!

Go to the meterscale program


a specialized Windows® filter design and analysis program designed to expedite the design of lowpass and highpass filters using Standard Value Components (nearest-5% values).

Go to the SVC filter design program


a specialized Windows® filter design and analysis program for the serious radio amateur to expedite the design and analysis of optimized amateur-band transmitter output lowpass filters.

Go to the OptLowpass filter design program


a Windows® program to help you design and analyze helical-resonator bandpass filters, usually used in the VHF and UHF frequency ranges.

Go to the helical-resonator filter program


a Windows® program to allow you to design and analyze PI-L matching networks.

Go to the PI-EL program


a Windows® program to allow you to design and analyze diplexer networks.

Go to the Diplexer program


This Windows® program replaces the classic paper version of the Smith Chart. The load end of a network can be specified regarding the R and jX values, up to five elements from the component library can then be installed between the load and the generator. Then going to the analysis page allows tuning or editing the network values to achieve a match, in the usual manner. The complete system can be saved (and later recalled).

Go to the Smith Chart program


Get the program which allows you to enter the values of an ordinary matching/network adjusted to match a reactive load to a specified system impedance. It then returns the load's R and jX values. All eight of the usual two- and three-element topologies are accommodated.


an interactive Windows® program to allow you to design and analyze active allpass networks used for single-sideband signal generation. Accepts orders from two to ten, specified operating frequency range and analysis frequency range. Reveals sideband suppression, chain angles and angle differences. The program has a component-tuning mode. Arbitrary components may be used, or nearest 1% or 5% values and results seen. Writes LTspice file.

Go to the quadrative network design program


an interactive Windows® program to allow you to design RF amplifiers using the single-ended Class E topology.

Go to the Class E program

Active Lowpass Designer

This Windows® program expedites the design and analysis of active lowpass filters. Analysis of magnitude, phase and delay is integral to the program. Interesting transient response and Monte Carlo gain plotting routines as well as an optimizer based on entered limits. Odd-order filters do not need a separate single-pole opamp. 3 OCT 2021

Go to

Active Bandpass Designer

This Windows® program expedites the design and analysis of active bandpass filters. Analysis of magnitude, phase and delay is integral to the program.


This Windows® program expedites the selection of colors used when writing code for a graph for plotting data on your computer or setting the colors on an LTspice waveform screen. Designed especially for Visual Basic programmers and LTspice users. Uncommonly flexible and easy to use.


This Windows® program allows you to print both great-circle (polar) and rectangular projections of maps of the world. Polar is as seen from a specified home location. Also shows the azimuth and distance to a specified target. Easy to enter new home or target locations. Shows/uses Maidenhead strings.


This program allows you to see the values of R and jX looking into the base of a vertical antenna over an ideal ground. Although the program is based on that ideal ground and a cylindrical metallic tower, it has proven very useful in the real world. Inputs are the tower height and diameter and the analysis frequency range. Output is a plot of R, jX and Z as a function of frequency. Log or linear sweep, output to a printer as well as screen.


This hobbyist program allows you to plot the patterns of North American AM radio stations. Now a "freebie." No longer updated but database is simple text so user can update it themselves.


Download the tube curves program based on the Koren parameters. Writes LTspice files.


Download the program to design stepped volume controls. The program also analyzes the resultant design.


This paper discusses the pulse-width modulator in great detail. Schematics and waveforms from Elsie and LTspice analyses clarify the text. Related items are also discussed. Be advised this document is over 9 megabytes in size.
27 AUG 2021

Download the article about Speech processing as submitted to QEX. Explains preamplification, response shaping, simple but high-performance compression, and clipper with non-overshooting lowpass filtering.

Download the speech-processing article as published in QEX, Sep-Oct 2018 issue. This is courtesy ARRL and posting here is allowed because I am the author.

Download the article about CW bandpass filters as submitted to QEX. Reveals why "rounded top" bandpass filters are best for CW reception.

Download the article about CW bandpass filters as published in QEX, Mar-Apr 2017 issue. This is courtesy ARRL and posting here is allowed because I am the author.

Download the article about Allpass Networks used in a speech chain as submitted to QEX. Passive and active networks are discussed in detail.

Download the all-pass article as published in QEX, Nov-Dec 2017 issue. This is courtesy ARRL and posting here is allowed because I am the author.

Download the talk about Speech Processing as given to the Oak Ridge Tennessee Amateur Radio Club.

Download the tutorial about electrical filters. This is the talk given to the Oak Ridge Tennessee Amateur Radio Club about filters. Starts with the basics.

This is the paper on AM demodulators, with an emphasis on the diode type, pointing out the deficiencies commonly encountered.
