Tonne Software

The Windows ® program for designing helical-resonator-based bandpass filters

This is a graphics-intensive bandpass filter design and analysis program based on the helical resonator.

Updated 4 Feb 2022

Here are the highlights of this program:


Coaxial Resonators with Helical Inner Conductor
W. W. Macalpine
Proceedings of the I.R.E., December 1959

Need A Helical Filter?
Lee R. Watkins
RF Design, May/June 1981

Realization of a Filter With Helical Components
A. I. Zverev and H. J. Blinchikoff
I.R.E. Transactions on Component Parts
Volume CP8, September 1961

Design Of A New, Low-Cost Helical-Resonator Filter
Solomon I. Hecht
Microwaves, February 1966

Helical Filters (Chapter 9)
A. I. Zverev
Handbook of Filter Synthesis
John Wiley & Sons, 1967
Library of Congress Card Number 67-17352

Helical-Resonator Filter Design,
Vincent G. Heesen
RF Design, July 1985